Fortnite is the best game

Throughout the history of gaming, there have been many classic games. Games like Minecraft, Tetris, Halo, Call of Duty, and many other games are considered classics in the gaming world, and while Fortnite hasn’t been around for very long, it could already be considered to be on this list. I firmly believe that Fortnite is at the top of this list, and I have the evidence to prove it.
Fortnite’s battle royale mode was released in September of 2017 for free on multiple platforms including PC, Xbox, PS4, and even mobile. The game quickly gained popularity, with the game recording a record of 78.3 million active players in August of 2018. In this same year they also set the record for the most revenue generated in one year, with an astounding 2.4 billion dollars generated. It has influenced pop culture with new dances, new celebrities, and even hosting concerts and events within their game. Fortnite is a very popular game, but being popular doesn’t always mean that something is the best.
One reason that I believe that Fortnite is the greatest game of all time is because of the mechanics. Fortnite is a game that takes a ton of skill, and it takes a lot of time to learn these skills. All battle royale games are like this, but what sets Fortnite apart from other battle royale games is the building aspect. In Fortnite, you are able to place walls, floors, stairs, and pyramids to reach high places or to protect yourself. This creates a skill gap, which all gamers love, because it separates people who are skilled and play the game a lot from people who are not as good and don’t play as much.
Making Fortnite free and not adding any paid advantages was the best decision that Epic Games could’ve made. You may think that because the game is free, Epic Games isn’t making any money, but this is far from the truth. The way that Fortnite is set up, you are able to buy skins, gliders, pickaxes, and other cosmetics in the item shop. They don’t keep it a mystery like a loot box, but instead have a daily rotation of new things that appear. These things are only available for 24 hours, and there is no guarantee on when or even if these items will be available again. They also implemented a battle pass, where when players complete objectives or play the game, they can level up and earn all sorts of cosmetics. These places are where Epic Games makes the majority of their money, and it is a huge reason that Fortnite has been so successful. It also helps to attract more players when the game is based solely on skill, and it doesn’t require you to pay money or spend long amounts of time leveling guns up.
Another reason that Fortnite is the greatest game of all time is because of the cross compatibility. Cross compatibility is a feature that enables people on different consoles to play on the same servers together. This means that if you have a friend who plays on the PS4 and you only had an Xbox, you would still be able to play Fortnite together. This feature is found in a few other games, but it is executed to perfection in Fortnite. Because of this feature, I have been able to play with many of my friends who don’t have an Xbox like I do.
The graphics in Fortnite are very amazing. In most battle royale and shooter games, the graphics are darker and look more realistic. Fortnite takes a completely different approach, using a cartoon style and using more of an unrealistic look. Having lighter and brighter graphics gives the game an extra pop and makes playing it more exciting. This serves them well in many aspects, most importantly being more appealing to a younger audience. All audiences can play Fortnite, and this helped it to become as popular as it is today.
When asked about what Fortnite meant to him, former MV student Mason Faux said, “Fortnite took me out of some hard situations. It was all I could think about. I was skipping meals just to try and get one last sweet victory royale. While I was playing it I didn’t think about making memories, I was just having fun”. When asked the same question, MV senior Cale Lamb told me, “Fortnite gave me an outlook on life that I’ve never had. It gave me a drive to become the best. It made me want to make it out of the hood for my mom, and to give her a better life” He then took the opportunity to thank Fortnite for everything it has done for him.
These are just a few of the many reasons that I believe Fortnite is the greatest game of all time. As a season 2 veteran, I often reminisce on the times I spent playing Fortnite. Things like getting your first kiss, looking into your first born’s eyes for the first time, and getting your first victory royale are things that never leave you and that you will never forget no matter how much time passes. If you didn’t have a chance to play Fortnite in its prime, then you will never experience the feeling of peak humanity. I will always cherish the memories spent on late nights with friends playing the greatest game of all time, Fortnite Battle Royale.
user • Aug 25, 2024 at 6:51 PM
fortnite is the best video game ever
Frank Surdyk • Mar 15, 2023 at 1:22 PM
This article was a help to accomplishing an essay with my topic being about why Fortnite is the best game. This article is a very good piece of work and contains many facts that helped me!
jenny • Mar 13, 2024 at 10:54 AM
same bro
Binh Nguyen • Feb 2, 2022 at 10:56 AM
Awesome writing!!! I love Fornite!! I play it every day!!!
Brandon Lin • Dec 11, 2023 at 12:30 PM
Matthew McGowen • Feb 2, 2022 at 8:55 AM
They brought back tilted towers
Alexander Ramirez Alcala • Dec 9, 2021 at 9:23 AM
Fortnite indeed is one of the best games
Cambria • Dec 9, 2021 at 7:56 AM
I definitely think that fortnite is not the best game. Hayday is in fact the best game to exist. Learning about agriculture, producing, consuming and helping others. Hmu for my game tag.
Samuel Warnick • Nov 18, 2021 at 2:07 PM
Knock knock. Who’s there? Not a Subaru EJ engine
Samuel Warnick • Nov 18, 2021 at 2:05 PM
I also love fortnite so much more so more than my own family.