MVHS Winter Dance Concert Recap

By: Stephano Puertas and Colton West

On December 4th and 5th, Mountain View High School put on a dance show that showcased all dance departments. The show included Dance 1, Dance 2, Dance Ensemble, Ballroom, and Orchesis. It had near 20 dances that were performed all nearly by Orchesis. The dancer who performed the most was Zion Willis who was in almost every dance. This was an incredible show and well put on by all dance companies. Mountain View’s Dance Departments have a lot of talent to offer! MVHS dancers Baylee Cahoon and Sheridan Bishop participated in the amazing performance. When asked what their favorite part of the show was and what they like about being in dance, they expressed how grateful they were to create and build many friendships within the class. They really enjoyed the dance numbers they practiced and the experience they had with each other in the rhythmic movements. All in all, the art of the dance performance was spectacular and was one to fully see what MVHS is capable of. It is a truly amazing school with full capability of talent with these walls. Bruins love to express and share the talents with everyone through the arts and performances.