A Senior’s Year
With the Class of 2022’s High School times surely coming to an end, the Juniors are to take their place as Class of 2023. Some are committed to getting their last year of school finished and want it to be over for good. But as for the rest of those who are actually excited for their senior year; they’re going to have good times and best be prepared for them! Being a Senior here at Mountain View really does alter the way you see the school and those around you compared to being in 10th or 11th grade. More often than not, you’ll find the Seniors here being involved a lot since they try to make their last year of high school memorable, whilst maintaining jobs or other occupations.
The next few lines will basically describe what was seen from a senior’s point of view, and can be useful to anyone going into their senior year. So this will show what to expect and how you can approach a small portion of the many things you may experience this last year in high school. The benefits of being a senior are generally minimal, but present near the end of the year. They also get to look forward to being a Legal Adult, meaning that if the school hosts something like Senior Week and requires Guardian Signatures, the majority of Seniors will have the opportunity to bypass that requirement if they are 18 years old, though there obviously will be tweaks to signing your own waivers.
Sports wise, Seniors are subject to be limited to Varsity-Level playing teams; Varsity-Level meaning the more advanced division of the schools teams, if any more than one team division is present such as Junior Varsity (JV). It is advisable to note that if you’re planning to make a sports team as a Grade 12 Student, it’s good to practice in your early years of high school if not sooner if you are ever considering being able to play on that team. And more often than not Seniors will have to be a part of the Varsity team to qualify for playtime, or not at all. Though availability for the Varsity teams are not limited to seniors only. Occasionally, there will be Juniors, Sophomores, and even Freshman players from Junior High Schools play if they show competency and expected competitiveness, so the Varsity team spots are to be contested over. Coaches want people who commit to the sports, as well as those who enjoy putting in the commitment. The only competition is those who are also trying to grab a seat in the Varsity row.
The further you get into your high school career, the more expectations you will have set for you ahead of time. You’ll find competition in any category because someone is always trying to be the best at something. If you can find a way to be the best at what you personally enjoy, you have the advantage. And that’s what your senior year is all about, you make the most of everything while you still can. Of course, the grades are still going to be considerable of course, Senioritis is definitely real.
Speaking of Senioritis, many seniors here have seen and/or experienced this point in their life where they are typically late for 1st period or all periods; or in the worst-case scenario don’t even show up. Although this is normal, it’s still not the best Idea to rely on being late more than never showing up all the time if you’re planning on showing up. You’ll come to find a lot of sophomores and juniors doing the same thing, but don’t let it get the best of you, because in the end, they struggle. Attendance is key-critical to finishing high school and many others the strong way and to ensure that you have the best chance at making it through that stage in life.
Now, this was just a little taste of what it’s like to be a senior. Furthermore, it’s a list of potential challenges depending on how you pave your road. So which direction are you planning to take in life?