Getting ready for executive election

The student council elections are right around the corner, Bruins! There aren’t many candidates this year, but they all have innovative ideas and are eager to make a difference at Mountain View. The excitement for the elections is clear, with most of it focused on the race for the executive election.

Tyler Blevins

Tyler is one of the candidates running for president. He’s super involved with the school, doing a lot of extracurriculars like wrestling, tennis, weight lifting, and NHS. Student council is a big part of his life because he loves organizing and planning activities that help serve people. When asked about what he thought about the people he was going up against, Tyler says, “The people I know who are running are awesome, and no matter who wins, they’ll do a good job.”


Kallie Kunz

Kallie is running for student body vice president. When it comes to things after school, she plays tennis and is part of the Spikeball and Barbie movie clubs, but she mainly helps around the school. Kallie was in the student council class and liked the experience of being a part of it, including being able to see the behind-the-scenes of how things come together for the school. It makes her happy knowing she’s able to be a part of something for Mountain View.


Kaylee Smith

Kaylee is running for student body historian. She’s a fun and loving person who wants the best for our school. She loves Mountain View and wants to share it with others. When asked about why she thought about running for this position, Kaylee says, “I love the acceptance I feel here, and I think it’d be awesome if I was able to show people the love I feel for Mountain View and help them love it here as well as well.”

Cardinal and Gold week is coming up, which means it’s almost time to vote. The election will start from March 29th to April 1st. In addition, this is the best time to know the rest of the candidates. I’m optimistic that our school year and experience will be interesting after hearing what these outstanding candidates had to say.